Nov 16, 2018

Email newsletters

February 2021 update: I don't subscribe to many newsletters anymore, though I've gotten a lot from each of the below at various points.

Email newsletters are undervalued. Here are some of my favorites:

  • Money Stuff by Matt Levine
    A stupendous amount of good content about, well, money stuff. Publishes almost every weekday. (A favorite.)

  • Gwern by Gwern
    Stuff Gwern has been reading in genetics, machine learning, social science, and statistics. Publishes once a month. Amazing, intimidating, wonderful.

  • Benedict Evans by Benedict Evans
    Silicon Valley trends by an a16z partner. Always high quality. Publishes once a week.

  • Best of Twitter by Alexey Guzey
    Digest of the week's best tweets by Alexey Guzey, who reads a lot of Twitter.

  • Import AI by Jack Clark
    A friend describes Import AI as "a nice condensed update on AI happenings in the world technically, politically, militarily etc", which seems about right to me.

  • Alignment Newsletter by Rohin Shah
    Summary of recent developments in AI alignment, curated by Rohin Shah of CHAI, Richard Ngo of DeepMind, and Dan Hendrycks of Berkeley. Publishes weekly.

  • Axios China by Bill Bishop
    Stories about China, usually on the economy & US-China foreign policy. Publishes once a week. I don't know enough about China to follow many of the stories, but I appreciate the overview. Bishop also writes Sinocism, a daily newsletter also on China.

  • Ridgeline by Craig Mod
    A man walks in Japan & writes about it. Very beautiful.

  • ChinAI by Jeff Ding
    At the intersection of China and AI, by Jeff Ding of FHI & CSET. Publishes weekly.

  • Future Perfect by Vox
    Vox's Effective Altruism vertical in newsletter form. Publishes weekly. I don't read most of the content, but it's interesting to follow what happens to EA as it passes through the Vox filter.